

In our job, innovation and the recycling of teaching techniques is vital. Nowadays students learn very fast, and they have access to a lot of different resources and new technologies.

Our experience in the We Bridge international has been a personal and professional boost to keep on teaching at our maximun level.

The We Bridge international is a private English centre, in Cardiff city, the capital of Wales. They belong to the British Council Centre, and they are also part of the Trinity Centre of London. We were received by Georgetta, the Director of studies, who showed us the modern installations of the centre and introduced us to all of the teachers and people that work with them. 

Phill, the Director of the centre was also very kind and explained us about how they organize the classes, sessions and spaces.

We could have access to all the classes, where we took a good look and even collaborate with the different students and levels in the centre. In the We Bridge International they have students from a lot of different countries, specially from Asia. The system they use is the same as in our centre, the Cambridge system. They work from the basics ( people who only speak in their mother tongue), to the highest English levels as the C2.

In the classes they follow a book, but there is room to the improvisation if the teacher considers to focus on one topic. The use of new technologies is very important and the use of different techniques and materials reinforces the teaching and learning process.

In conclusion, our week at the We Bridge international was a powerful experience of motivation, but also a new view of education that provided us with new ideas, methods and materials.




The first day we were pleasantly welcome to the English course in Edinburgh. The Centre Director gave us our timetable with the different sessions and activities. All the lessons were taught by several teachers that means that we were exposed to a variety of different accents and teaching styles, making the lessons more varied and real.

During these lessons we talked about different methodologies, the benefits of CLIL for learners, the use of games and drama in the classroom, etc. Moreover, we were required to have a micro-teaching observation the last day of the Erasmus+ Programme in which we had to design a 45 minute lesson for a class.

Apart from this, we did some afternoon activities, such as an Edinburgh Tour, Whisky Tasting, Games Night and a National Museum Tour with teachers and other students.

We had a great time in Edinburgh and we learnt some techniques related to CLIL to use in our classrooms. 

Teacher Elena and teacher Esther.

A continuación, os mostramos la entrevista que los alumnos de 6ºA nos hicieron para incluirla en la revista digital del colegio:

¿Qué hicisteis en el curso en Edimburgo?

El curso trataba sobre la enseñanza del inglés a través de otras asignaturas. Es lo que hacemos en nuestro cole con Science y Art. Asistíamos a clase todas las mañanas. Por las tardes realizábamos actividades culturales para conocer la historia de la ciudad y sus museos. 

¿Os gustó ir allí? 

Nos ha gustado mucho porque además de aprender pudimos conocer un poco la capital de Escocia. 

¿Escocia es bonito? 

Sólo tuvimos la ocasión de conocer la parte histórica de Edimburgo, su capital, porque las clases no nos dejaban tiempo para ver más. Es una ciudad muy bonita y con mucha historia.

¿Creéis que las cosas que os enseñaron eran importantes?

Sí. Todas ideas que ayuden a mejorar la enseñanza nos parecen importantes. En nuestro cole ya usábamos en todas las clases muchas de las cosas que nos explicaron. Pero gracias a este curso hemos aprendido a utilizar más la imaginación para crear actividades con materiales y juegos que no siempre utilizamos en las clases. Nos recordaron también que es importante corregir los errores que se cometan tanto al hablar como al escribir en todas las asignaturas bilingües.

¿Pondréis en práctica lo que os han enseñado?

Sí, de hecho ya hemos empezado a aplicar algunas de las ideas y materiales en clase. 

Si os equivocabais en alguna palabra, ¿os daba vergüenza?

La verdad es que agradecíamos mucho a los profesores que nos indicaran los fallos que pudiéramos cometer.